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Tot Montserrat:

A gastronomic and cultural experience

Make the most of your trip to Montserrat and enjoy a variety of activities during your visit to the mountain

Make your way to Muntanya de Montserrat Natural Park via the Rack Railway and Sant Joan and Santa Cova Funiculars. Thanks to these sustainable modes of transport, located less than an hour from Barcelona, you can enjoy the unique formations of Montserrat’s peaks and much much more!

We make it easy for you, so you won’t miss a thing. Visit Catalonia’s most iconic mountain in maximum comfort and convenience with Tot Montserrat, which allows you to travel to Montserrat from Barcelona (and elsewhere in the metropolitan area), access different parts of the mountain via the Funiculars, and enjoy an amazing gastronomic and cultural experience. This combination includes:

  • Metro ticket
  • Return ticket for the FGC train to Monistrol de Montserrat station (which connects to the Rack Railway)
  • Return ticket for Montserrat Rack Railway
  • Ticket for Sant Joan Funicular (also includes Santa Cova Funicular when it is in service)
  • Entry to the Audiovisual Space
  • Buffet lunch in Montserrat
  • Entry to Montserrat Museum
  • Direct acces, without previous reservation, to the Throne of the Virgin
Sala de la exposición audiovisual / Sala de la exposición audiovisual
Vista del pati del Santuari de Montserrat / Vista del patio del Santuario de Montserrat


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