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Discover the Montserrat Museum

An art space in the high mountains

Montserrat is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Catalonia. But did you know that it is also synonymous with art?

In 1929, Josep Puig i Cadafalch created the Montserrat Museum, a jewel that brings together up to six permanent collections and more than 1,300 works and traveling exhibitions. A gift for the five senses.

These are the permanent samples you will discover:

  • Archeology of the Biblical Orient.
  • Painting from the 13th-18th centuries with works by such important authors as Degas, Berruguete, Caravaggio and El Greco.
  • Painting from the 19th and 20th centuries with a wide representation of Catalan painters, including such important figures as Miró and Dalí, along with other high-profile works by authors such as Picasso and Le Corbusier.
  • Iconography of Santa Maria de Montserrat, which includes a sculpture by Josep M. Subirachs from 2001.
  • Phos Ilaron Collection, with more than 160 Byzantine and Slavic icons.
  • A collection of goldsmiths with a set of liturgical objects from the 15th to the 20th century.

The museum also houses one of the most important collections in the world of modernist painting, including works by the Catalan painter Ramón Casas.

Trans Montserrat - Entrada al Santuari de Montserrat / Entrada al Santuario de Montserrat
Un visitante disfrutando de los cuadros de la exposición

Get there by public transport

Take the Montserrat Rack Railway, which will drop you off right in front of the Museum. In addition, you can enjoy magnificent views and a unique environment as you progress along the rack railway. Buy your ticket!

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