From school to the spectacular mountain of Montserrat

Come with your school to Montserrat traveling with unique and unique transport

Travel with the Rack Railway, a sustainable means of transport, and enjoy a day in Montserrat where children will have the opportunity to live a unique experience in the middle of nature.

The Montserrat Rack Railway provides schools with a tool for the knowledge and promotion of sustainable public transport and its importance. In addition to carrying out outdoor leisure activities in one of the most emblematic places in Catalonia, the Montserrat Mountain Natural Park.

Montserrat is the most representative mountain of the region and, in fact, thanks to its amazing features it has become one of the Catalan symbols. Its peculiar morphology, its natural park and its millennial tradition make it an incomparable reference.

Come with your school to discover it!

Rates for school groups

Tickets Price
Until June 30th 5,20 €
From July 1 5,40 €


  • There will be a free charge for teachers according to the established ratio of accompanying teachers depending on the cycle.
  • Prices with VAT included.
  • Groups of 20 students or more.
  • School age up to and including 4th ESO (up to 16 years).
mirador sant joan montserrat
Cremallera  Toni Anguera

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