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Clients review about their experience

Opinions in the main online websites

Listening to the opinions of our clients and responding to their requests is our way of improving, day by day, our services.

  • 10,0
    04 de Oct 2023
    Nice, relaxing and very short railroad...
    Nice, relaxing and very short railroad car ride up to Montserrat. A lot of the way it was through very narrow rock alleys, and when you came out of those...
    Enid Klapper
  • 10,0
    04 de Oct 2023
    Una pujada a la muntanya que aconsello...
    Una pujada a la muntanya que aconsello a tothom Et deixa al costat de l'entrada al monestir. Pots deixar el cotxe al parking gratuït si agafes el cremallera....
    Rosa M. Provencio Monleón
  • 8,0
    03 de Oct 2023
    전기 전차로 편하게 관광하게 됐네요 ....
    전기 전차로 편하게 관광하게 됐네요 .
    김광일 (iTiSt)
  • 10,0
    02 de Oct 2023
    Hermoso lugar para visitar...
    Hermoso lugar para visitar
    Rafael Rueda
  • 10,0
    29 de Sep 2023
    You need to go there for an entire day...
    You need to go there for an entire day since it has so much to offer and discover. Need to go on both trails
    sheheryar tariq
  • 10,0
    28 de Sep 2023
    Molt comode, hi ha sortides cada 20...
    Molt comode, hi ha sortides cada 20 min. El trajecte son 15 min. I les vistes espectaculars Hi ha aparcament gratuït just al davant de l'estació
    nuri martinez alimbau
      Score mediates
Based on 265 reviews
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