Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars close in 2023 with an increase in travelers

Home » Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars close in 2023 with an increase in travelers

Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars welcomed a total of 886,360 visitors during 2023, with increases of up to 53% compared to 2022

El cremallera de Montserrat sobre un pont amb la Serra al fons / El Cremallera de Montserrat sobre un puente con la Sierra al fondo

During 2023, the Montserrat Rack Railway has recorded a notable 53% increase in the number of travelers, rising to a total of 591,330 visitors, compared to 385,354 in 2022. This positive trend is due to the recovery of international tourism.

The Sant Joan Funicular and the Santa Cova Funicular have also experienced a significant increase in visitors. The first has seen an increase of 40% with a total of 285,652 users, while the second has received 59,941 visitors, 13,000 more than the previous season.

With a positive perspective and with the aim of continuing to offer unique experiences to visitors, the Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars continue to consolidate themselves as a reference tourist destination, with a firm commitment to sustainability and accessibility.

The Montserrat Rack Railway is one of the routes that allows access to the Sanctuary. The Sant Joan and Santa Cova Funiculars, for their part, facilitate access to the Montserrat Mountain Natural Park, thus complementing the overall experience of visiting one of the most emblematic places in Catalonia.

News in the operation of the Montserrat Rack Railway and Funiculars for the 2024 season

Regarding new developments, the recent implementation of the Platform for People with Reduced Mobility on the Sant Joan Funicular stands out, thus expanding accessibility and inclusion in this means of transport. This initiative joins the existing adaptation in the Montserrat Rack Railway, reinforcing the commitment to equal opportunities for all.

Another notable novelty is the interactive exhibition in the Santa Cova, called “La Santa Cova. Path of Emotions.” The exhibition immerses the visitor in the legend of this emblematic space through information panels, images, film projections and interactive screens. Through this exhibition, the public can explore the path to the Santa Cova, the sculptures of the mysteries of the Rosary and the rich fauna and flora of the natural environment. The exhibition, free with the same Funicular ticket, offers a unique experience to connect with the history, culture and emotions of Montserrat.

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