- Tren dels Llacs
Montserrat Rack Railway
The Montserrat Rack Railway offers two extra routes on the night of April 26 – 27 to facilitate the mobility…...
Gelida Funicular
The tourist train of FGC will remain temporarily out of service and the circulations will be by bus The Gelida…...
Montserrat Rack Railway
A conseqüència de les condicions meteorològiques actuals i l'alt risc potencial d'incendi forestal, s'activa el nivell 3 del Pla Alfa:…...
Montserrat Rack Railway
As of January 9, the Sant Joan and Santa Cova Funicular Railway will carry out a temporary stoppage of their…...
Montserrat Rack Railway
On the occasion of Christmas Day, Sunday 25 December, the Montserrat Rack Railway will offer a special service with changes…...
There will be 5 trips in the summer: on Saturday 22 and 29 July, on 5 and 12 August and…...