The draw for the Satisfaction Surveys for the 2022 Tourist Train season has ended

Home » The draw for the Satisfaction Surveys for the 2022 Tourist Train season has ended

As every season, at FGC Turisme we want to know the experience of the people who have visited our Tourist Trains this summer, with the aim of evaluating and detecting points of improvement for the coming year.

For this reason, we have made satisfaction surveys available to visitors.

Among the people who have answered the satisfaction survey on one of the FGC tourist trains between February 7, 2022 and October 25, 2022, we have drawn three tickets for two people. The winners will be able to choose which tourist train they want the ticket for.

Through the EasyPromos Platform and through a random selection, the winners have been:

  • Carmen Aguilar
  • James Carol
  • Marià Blai Lleixà Tal

You can check the Easypromos certificate of validity of the draw here.



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