The Tren dels Llacs starts the 2022 season on Sant Jordi day

Home » The Tren dels Llacs starts the 2022 season on Sant Jordi day

This tourist train, which makes the journey between Lleida and La Pobla de Segur, will run every Saturday, from April 23 to October 29

This year the protagonists of the day of Sant Jordi 2022 will not only be books and roses, but also the Tren dels Llacs, which begins its fourteenth season of tourist service with the Historical Train on Saturday 23 April and will be in circulation until October 29.

Operated by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) with the collaboration of the Lleida Provincial Council and the Lleida Territorial Mobility Authority, this tourist train connects the city of Lleida with the town of La Pobla de Segur in Pallares, all crossing gorges of the pre-Pyrenean mountain ranges and following the profile of the large reservoirs found in the course of the Noguera Pallaresa river.

During the 2022 season, the Tren dels Llacs will make 28 circulations. Specifically, the Historical Train will make a total of 24 circulations: every Saturday from April 23 to July 16 and from August, it resumes service again from August 20 to October 29; and the Panoramic Train will make 4 circulations: on July 23 and 30 and on August 6 and 13.

Image of the Historic Train between Lleida and La Pobla de Segur.

Discover the territory with the Tren dels Llacs

The Tren dels Llacs passes through a total of 40 tunnels and 75 bridges during a journey of 89 kilometers in approximately two hours, in an environment of spectacular beauty. With the Historical Train, users go back in time thanks to its ancient aesthetics of an authentic railway from the 60s in locomotives from the year 1968 known as “ye-yés“.

With the Panoramic Train, families and groups of friends will be able to get to know the Catalan territory up close in a very original way. Thanks to its diaphanous and open design, provided by its large windows, travelers enjoy the spectacular views that are found throughout the route.

The tourist service of the Tren dels Llacs, as part of the tourist offer of transport services managed by Ferrocarrils, contributes to boosting tourist activity in the territory by collaborating in the dissemination and dissemination of the tourist attractions that visitors can enjoy in the area of influence. In this sense, FGC collaborates with local entities and institutions dedicated to promoting tourism so that train users can also extend their visit and complement the experience of traveling by train with the discovery of the gastronomic, cultural and natural offer of the counties of Pallars Jussà and Noguera.

A first trip on Sant Jordi day enlivened by visitors

On the occasion of the first circulation of the 2022 season of the Tren dels Llacs and the Diada de Sant Jordi, the tourist office of the municipality of La Pobla de Segur has organized various activities that will enliven the visit of travellers.

The associations of Raiers i Fallaires and Pubilles de La Pobla de Segur will receive the first travelers and guests in traditional costumes and will present them with a rose. In the afternoon, before the planned circulation back towards Lleida, a ‘coffee-concert’ will be held with live music by the attendees.

More information here.


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