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Cantina del Clot del Moro

Recharge yours batteries after your experience by the Tren del Ciment at the Cantina Clot del Moro canteen.

Come to Castellar de n'Hug with the Tren del Ciment and take the opportunity to take a break from your visit with a drink or a meal at the Cantina del Clot del Moro.

This restaurant is located in front of the Museu del Ciment (Cement Museum) and offers dishes with organic products, Km0 and vegan options. Also all kinds of drinks.

Located at one of the stops of the Tren del Ciment, the Museu del Ciment, in the Cantina del Clot del Moro you can rest from the route with the Alt Berguedà tourist railway while watching the old Asland cement factory or relax listening to the course of the river Llobregat.

At Cantina Clot del Moro there are all kinds of dishes for all tastes:

  • Salads
  • Sandwiches (hot and cold)
  • Combined dishes
  • Children's menus
  • An extensive menu of drinks

LOCATION: In front of the Cement Museum - 08696 Castellar de n'Hug
CONTACT: +34 616 279 187
MENU: Check out the menu here.

tren del ciment restauracio cantinaclotmoro br
tren ciment clor moro plat br

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