The Tren del Ciment and Tren dels Llacs end the 2022 season

Home » The Tren del Ciment and Tren dels Llacs end the 2022 season

The Tren dels Llacs service has reached a 24% increase in occupancy compared to last year

Tren del Ciment closes the 2022 season with almost 17,700 passengers

This 2022 season, more than 23,500 people have enjoyed the Tren del Ciment and Tren dels Llacs, which have been consolidated as tourist facilities of proximity.

Tren dels Llacs has turned off its engines after a season where it has achieved a high influx of passengers. Last Saturday, October 29th, the last circulation took place. The historic railway line between Lleida and La Pobla de Segur has received a total of 5,831 users, which represents an increase of 24% over last season. Specifically, the Tren Panoràmic has transported 369 passengers, an increase of 4%. As for the Tren Històric, 5,462 passengers have enjoyed the service during the 2022 season, 25% more than in 2021.

Tren del Ciment, which follows the historic line that formerly linked the Asland cement factory in Castellar de n'Hug with Guardiola de Berguedà, ended the 2022 season with a total of 17,685 visitors. This tourist train ran from April 9 to November 6. Travelers have enjoyed a route that makes a total of four stops. At each of these stops, users discover proposals of great cultural interest, such as the Cement Museum and the Exhibition of Historical Trains of secondary, industrial and tourist railroads in the Llobregat Valley.

Other tourist trains still in operation

The Núria Rack Railway will run on weekends in November. Therefore, the train will remain out of service on working days in order to carry out scheduled maintenance work on the facilities. From 2 December, the rack railway will resume daily service to coincide with the start of the ski resort's winter season, when snow and weather conditions permit.

On the other hand, the Montserrat rack railway and the Sant Joan and Santa Cova funiculars will continue to operate. Until December 31, the rack railway will operate from 8.35 am to 7.35 pm on weekends and holidays, and from 8.35 am to 6.35 pm on other days.

The Gelida Funicular will continue to operate every Saturday and Sunday. In addition, on November 12 and 13 will be held the Funifira, an event commemorating the anniversary of the Gelida Funicular, a collective and electric public transport that has been operating for almost 100 years as a means of sustainable transport.


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