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Visit the modernist complex of La Pobla de Segur


Discover the modernism of La Pobla de Segur as you walk through its streets

Get to know the modernist buildings and works of La Pobla de Segur through its emblematic streets while walking and discovering the different attractions of this beautiful town of Pallars Jussà.

La Pobla de Segur is not known for its modernism, but it does hide works of great architectural value, especially the Casa Mauri and the Molí de l'oli de Sant Josep.

  • Casa Mauri: Built at the beginning of the 20th century, this residential palace was commissioned by a villager, Ramon Mauri Arnalot, who was a renowned architect.
    This architectural ensemble made up of three buildings stands out for its modernist details reminiscent of those of the Palau de la Música or the Hospital de Sant Pau.
    The enclosure is presided over by the main house with a tower resembling a fortress with clear modernist expressions such as the trencadís or the forged windows. Around the house there are large period gardens with sculptures. Currently, the main building is the seat of the town hall of La Pobla de Segur.

  • Molí de l’oli de St. Josep – Ancient oil mill: Built in 1905, it was the first electric mill in the region, which represented a great advance in the area. This work is of great architectural richness and is located within the grounds of Casa Mauri.
    One of the main features of this work is that its exterior resembles that of a Romanesque church, specifically due to its gabled roof but with many modernist details.
    In addition, at the entrance we will find a sculpture by Josep Llimona, considered one of the main sculptors of Catalan modernism.

To enjoy a complete experience, we suggest you get on the Tren dels Llacs and stop at La Pobla de Segur to visit its modernism.



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Images La Pobla de Segur City Hall


Av. Verdaguer, 35 - La Pobla de Segur


Option of guided tour or visit only from the outside.

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