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Vall de Núria exhibitions, a different opportunity to discover the valley

Discover the history of Vall de Núria with its exhibitions

Vall de Núria is one of the most emblematic places in Catalonia and a living representation of the country's history. That is why it offers visitors a series of exhibitions so as not to miss a single detail of this unique valley, in a commitment to dissemination and learning.

If you are staying at the hotel and do not know what to do or if you want to discover all the secrets of the valley and the Núria Rack Railway, we suggest the following exhibitions:

  • '90 years of history. Núria Rack Railway': This exhibition is located at Ribes Vila station. There you will be able to know the whole history of this endearing transport and how life in the valley changed thanks to it. An exhibition to discover its history since it was inaugurated on March 22, 1931 and its more technical characteristics, such as the current motor and mobile fleet or how such a transport is set in motion.

  • 'Snow Memories': Through seventy pieces, this exhibition shows a magnificent collection of historical ski equipment thanks to the collection of Mr. Jaume Gil Mayoals. A journey through the history of winter sports through the materials used.

  • Audiovisual 'The Valley of the 5 elements': At the Vall de Núria Interpretation Center you will find this audiovisual product where a 35-minute video is projected with the most representative elements of the valley, such as the buildings, the history of how before the valley was reached when there was no Rack Railway or the singular material of the Rack Railway.

During your visit to the Vall de Núria do not miss the 3 most representative exhibitions.


Noranta anys història
Exposició Memòries de Neu
Sala d'informació amb instruments musicals al sostre / Pasillo de información con instrumentos musicales en el techo


At Ribes Vila station and at the Vall de Núria Interpretation Center


During the opening of the Ribes-Vila station and the Vall de Núria facilities


All three exhibitions are included in the Rack Railway ticket

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