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  • Alt Berguedà
    museu ciment
    Museu del Ciment de Castellar de n’Hug

    Visita t el Museu del Ciment de Castellar de n’Hug, on trobaràs exposicions permanents i itineraris, visites guiades, tallers…...

  • Trens Montserrat
    Del santuari al pla de les Taràntules pel pla de Sant Miquel
    Hiking along Sant Joan

    Montserrat is a mountain that offers many possibilities to discover on foot, where you will find excursions or marked walks....

  • Noguera y el Prepirineo de Lleida
    vall fosca  scaled
    The spectacular landscape in the Vall Fosca

    Come to Pallars Jussà and discover the Vall Fosca, the Hydroelectric Museum and the Capdella power station. Quite an experience!...

  • Gelida i Alt Penedés
    casa senyor gelida
    Casa del Senyor in Gelida

    In Gelida is the Casa del Senyor, a building, dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest....

  • Alt Berguedà
    tresor gaudi pobla lillet
    “Gaudí’s Treasure” Escape Room

    Antoni Gaudí is in La Pobla de Lillet and needs your help to solve a riddle. Join this Outdoor Escape Room!...

  • Vall de Ribes
    cami vell vall de nuria
    Hiking trails in Vall de Núria

    Want to know the high Pyrenees? We suggest three hiking routes to discover Vall de Núria and its surroundings....

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