Gelida Funicular

A historic mode of transport in Alt Penedès

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Take a trip on this unique funicular from 1924

Gelida Funicular, located in the town of Gelida in the county of Alt Penedès, has become one of Catalonia’s best-loved modes of transport. Now a tourist attraction, since 1924 it has provided a link from the town centre and industrial area to the train station, which is located at a lower elevation than the town.


Discover the route of Gelida Funicular

ElFuniculardeGelidadescendeix ElfuniculardeGelidadescendiendo

History of Gelida Funicular

With nearly 100 years of history, the Funicular still retains features that are very similar to those of the original rolling stock.

The arrival of Gelida Funicular made a tremendous improvement to the lives of the local residents, as the majority of its passengers worked in the town’s paper mills and lived in the neighbourhood of Sant Salvador. The system was built using equipment from the first funicular in Tibidabo.

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Funicular de Gelida operates every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) throughout the year.

Gelida upper station (departs)

10:05 am

10:35 am

11:05 am

11:35 am

12:05 pm

12:35 pm

1:05 pm

2:05 pm

2:35 pm

3:05 pm

3.35 pm

4:05 pm

4:35 pm

Train station (arrives)

10:13 am

10:43 am

11:13 am

11:43 am

12:13 pm

12:43 pm

1:13 pm

2:13 pm

2:43 pm

3:13 pm

3:43 pm

4:13 pm

4:43 pm

Gelida Upper Station -> Train Station

Gelida upper station Train station
10:05 am 10:13 am
10:35 am 10:43 am
11:05 am 11:13 am
11:35 am 11:43 am
12:05 pm 12:13 pm
12:35 pm 12:43 pm
1:05 pm 1:13 pm
2:05 pm 2:13 pm
2:35 pm 2:43 pm
3:05 pm 3:13 pm
3:35 pm 3:43 pm
4:05 pm 4:13 pm
4:35 pm 4:43 pm
Train station (departs)

10:25 am

10:55 am

11:25 am

11:55 am

12:25 pm

12:55 pm

1:25 pm

2:25 pm

2:55 pm

3:25 pm

3:55 pm

4:25 pm

4:55 pm

Gelida upper station (arrives)

10:33 am

11:03 am

11:33 am

12:03 pm

12:33 pm

1:03 pm

1:33 pm

2:33 pm

3:03 pm

3:33 pm

4:03 pm

4:33 pm

5:03 pm

Train Station -> Gelida Upper Station

Train station Gelida upper station
10:25 am 10:33 am
10:55 am 11:03 am
11:25 am 11:33 am
11:55 am 12:03 pm
12:25 pm 12:33 pm
12:55 pm 1:03 pm
1:25 pm 1:33 pm
2:25 pm 2:33 pm
2:55 pm 3:03 pm
3:25 pm 3:33 pm
3:55 pm 4:03 pm
4:25 pm 4:33 pm
4:55 pm 5:03 pm


Prices are valid for the 2023 season.

The price per person includes VAT and AOV.

FGC tickets

One way

One way with senior citizen discount


€ 2.40

€ 0.95

Ticket prices for the Gelida Funicular
One way € 2,40
One way with senior citizen discount € 0,95

Combined tickets (ATM)








1 zone

€ 11.35

€ 10.00

€ 79.45

€ 40.00

€ 80.00

€ 10.50

€ 2.05

2 zones

€ 22.40

€ 19.00

€ 156.80

€ 53.85

€ 105.20

€ 16.00

€ 4.05

3 zones

€ 30.50

€ 27.00

€ 213.50

€ 75.60

€ 147.55

€ 20.10

€ 5.50

4 zones

€ 39.20

€ 35.00

€ 274.40

€ 92.55

€ 180.75

€ 22.45

€ 7.55

5 zones

€ 45.05

€ 40.00

€ 315.35

€ 106.20

€ 207.40

€ 25.15

€ 8.10

6 zones

€ 47.90

€ 42.00

€ 335.30

€ 113.75

€ 225.25

€ 28.15

€ 8.60

Ticket prices by zone
1 zone 2 zones 3 zones 4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
T-casual € 11,35 € 22,40 € 30,50 € 39,20 € 45,05 € 47,90
T-familiar € 10,00 € 19,00 € 27,00 € 35,00 € 40,00 € 42,00
T-grup € 79,45 € 156,80 € 213,50 € 274,40 € 315,35 € 335,30
T-usual € 40,00 € 53,85 € 75,60 € 92,55 € 106,20 € 113,75
T-jove € 80,00 € 105,20 € 147,55 € 180,75 € 207,40 € 225,25
T-dia € 10,50 € 16,00 € 20,10 € 22,45 € 25,15 € 28,15
T-aire € 2,05 € 4,05 € 5,50 € 7,55 € 8,10 € 8,60

More information about the types of tickets here.


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The Funicular de Gelida will be out of service for maintenance work.

Sorry for the inconvenience